2D Design 

Semester 1 Reflection: 

The class 2D Design came with many challenges, victories, artworks I love, and pieces I am not too fond of. This semester allowed me a more in-depth understanding of art than foundations and allowed me to build and explore my skills as an artist. I learned how to utilize the principles of design in all of my work, and even look back and see how I used them without even thinking about it. This course enlightened me on how vital these principles are, and how you can use them to elevate your work. This class pushed me as an artist in creativity and execution, providing prompts that allowed for deeper thought and exploration. 

I think I have been most successful with using different materials. I never used gouache before this year. And now I use it all the time.  I also experimented with different kinds of paper like a cold press, and different shapes like circles.  I also experimented with breaking the borders on pieces. Along with these different uses of paper I got to try digital art. I had never done something like that before this year, and it was fun to try. 

I believe my biggest struggle for this year was time management, and actually coming up with good ideas for my work. I found that this year my projects took a lot longer than they should've, and I would often completely start over if I made a mistake, this added more time put in.  I feel like it ended with me not being happy with a lot of pieces because I would overdo them, or change them too much from my original ideas.  I also believe I struggled with coming up with what I wanted to create, which added to these pieces taking a long time. I think I couldn't fully put my ideas on paper, which led to me having to think long to come up with an idea I liked. 

My goal moving forward are to practice letting go of little mistakes. I think the beautiful oops project at the beginning of this year was a good example of that. I think using things that may have been an accident could make my art more authentic. It would also help with reducing time spent on projects, which was on of my struggles. I will also continue to think about the principles of design and how they can continue to elevate my work.