Time Capsule Drawings

Our assignment was to go home and draw a self portrait, an object, and a hallway or room or something, I cant really remember. The subjects of the drawings are myself, my shoe, and a hallway in my house. I used a pencil to draw them.

The elements I used were line, shape, and space. There are lots of lines in the drawings, and lots of basic shapes as well. There is also the illusion of distance in the hallway drawing. I used emphasis by thickening some lines.

The shoe is a converse, which I wear all the time, so much so that they get beat up. The hallway is the one in my house, which I hadn't moved into at the time of the drawing. I was still living with my uncle and aunt. I am proudest of the detail on the shoe. I struggled with the hallway, since perspective is hard for me. If I could change anything I would make the face more proportionate and make the toe of the shoe smaller. I would also make everything neater.