Donate Life

The story of this piece is that someone is gifting someone else a human heart. I chose to do this little scene because I thought it would be a funny and lighthearted, as well as cheesy, approach to organ donation. Hearts are also one of my favorite things to incorporate into artwork. I also added that little bit of blood, because it doesn't really feel like my artwork if there isn't a little bit of blood somewhere.

The materials I used are graphite pencils, black pens, watercolor paint, charcoal, and a white gel pen. I started with graphite, added the pen over it, painted over the graphite, then added the background with charcoal. Lastly I added the letters and highlights with the white pen.

For this piece I wanted to create characters and make the scene lighthearted, which differs a lot from my darker themes in artwork. I wanted to focus on color and space, and also create a balance between the two subjects. I focused a lot on making the color scheme satisfying. Originally I was going to use my markers again, but I decided to continue using watercolor. This was also the first time I mixed skin tones with watercolor. my next steps would probably be to add some sort of color to the background and make the lettering look nicer.