Extended Blind Contour

I drew lots of faces of people that were important to me, like family members and friends. There were also a few people from the zoom call. I wanted to show the hands in the bottom trying to catch them, and the hands at the top dropping them. I don't understand my own intention to be honest. I just wanted to stress the importance of people in my life.

To make this I used a small black pen for line art, water based markers to color the faces, and watercolor to paint the hands, background, and to make the splatters.

This work is mostly composed of line and color. Every face and hand is composed of line, and I tried to use a variety of colors to make it look a bit chaotic, but not clash. There might be a bit of movement, I would say that the faces all look like they're falling. I originally started the drawing on sketchbook paper, but I knew I wanted to use watercolor paper. So I started over and sort of got to come up with a composition idea. I wanted the red hand to be holding on to someone. Of course, since it's blind contour, I dont actually have a huge say in what the drawing turns out to be. Once i finished, I added drops of watercolor to enhance the sense of falling, and the sense of chaos. My next steps might be to add more drops of watercolor. I hesitate to do so because less is more. I also could darken the color of the hands so that it could match the faces better.