Sustained Investigation #6

This work is based off of the song "The Pros and Cons of Breathing" by Fall Out Boy and is directly connected to my last piece, Sustained Investigation #5. The bottom of this piece connects to the top of my last piece. The lyrics in this song are very angry and contain a lot of self hate, as well as anger at someone who wronged you. This piece is about unleashing that anger at someone and how music can help release anger. Some lyrics I focused on are "bury me standing on your window," "my pen is the barrel of the gun, remind me which side you should be on," "I want to hate you half as much as I hate myself, you know that I could crush you with my voice," and "wish that I was as invisible as you make me feel." Some of these lyrics are directly written in the art, while some are more visually displayed. This song reminds me of a relationship I was in and how I felt about her for a long time. So in this art I drew a character representing her, holding my heart and with blood on her hands to show that she killed and buried me. In the piece I am getting revenge through music and the things I think and say about her. The tombstone represents how long we were friends. On her face I wanted to show that on the outside she appears unbothered, but in the words and color she's crying. I know that we've both hurt each other, so in the pieces we're both crying.

The materials I used were watercolor paint and black and white pens.

I wanted to create contrast between this piece and the last piece through colors, as the other one had a darker background and this one has a grey one. The last piece also didn't have enough blue to me, so I used more blue in this one. I also focused heavily on color, making the red and blue explode from the pen and travel upward. I think I used good texture on the heart. To me it appears that it's actually being gripped in the subject's hand and looks squishy and shiny from blood. My favorite last detail that I added after I thought I was done was writing words in white pen around what would be the trim of the window. I also like how smudgy the colors ended up being. My next steps would be to add way more value, especially on the gravestone.

Full version (both pieces connected)