Linear Perspective

We were asked to create drawings based on a vanishing point. we first drew objects according to the vanishing point, like shapes and letters. they were three dimensional. After getting the basic idea. we drew rooms in one point perspective, creating a realistic space. Lastly we were asked to draw part of a hallway in school. we observed the hallway and drew what we saw in one point perspective. The subject of my creation was the hallway. I sat in the hallway and started with the back wall and perspective lines, then sketched out the rest of the hallway. The materials i used were a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, a clipboard, and that triangle straightedge thing.

Some elements i used were line and space. the work started as a back wall then i added perspective lines and drew the doors down the hall. The drawing ended up larger than it was supposed to be. i drew the back wall a bit too big, so less of the hall will be in the drawing. i also originally messily sketched the doors, but now im using perspective lines.

It's just an empty hallway in my school. it has no meaning to me, nor story. the only way it relates to me is its in my school. I am proudest that i didn't break down while making this work. i struggled using rulers because sometimes it wasn't long enough and i'm usually a freehanded artist. i couldn't make enough lines for tiles. i haven't really overcome this struggle. i would like the doors to be more realistic and i want the tiles to be more realistic.