Donate Life

This piece is about organ and tissue donation and pictures a person in a coffin with a heart, and a person in a bed with no heart, reaching to the person with a heart. It's showing that someone who's dead won't need their organs, so they should give them to someone who has a life ahead of them and needs organs. I decided to use a phrase thats bluntly honest, because I find myself to be blunt like that.

This piece was made with sharpie, watercolor, and pen. I started out with a pencil sketch, then used blue tape to cover borders and make straight lines. All the black parts are done with sharpie. Smaller details were done with a sharpie pen. The white lettering was done with a white gel pen. The heart was done with watercolor.

This project deals with a lot of contrast and balance. The concept has black and white on each side, but opposite. The usage of both black and white are balanced very well though, creating a pleasing image. There is emphasis on the heart, which is the only thing with color and value. The original sketch only had two people, one reaching to the other, that had a heart. Those characters had faces. It evolved to have them in different shapes and with opposite colors, which symbolize life and death. I altered the position of the white character to make it seem more alive. I also decided not to add faces to keep the piece simple. My next steps would be to clean up some lines and make the calves on the black character smaller.