Disability Inclusion

I wanted to create a piece about autism. I think it's something that is very difficult to display visually, because autistic people dont have physical disability. I created a piece where people hold up someone with autism so that this person can achieve. I wanted to make this because I know a lot of people with autism and I understand that school settings especially might not conform to needs. So I wanted to show a world where students help each other out.

The materials that I used are graphite pencil for the sketch and black ink pen for the line art. I used watercolor to color the subjects and the background.

I've been unhappy with how my line art is turning out, so I'm starting to use graphite as well as black ink to create line art and value, then coloring. The most difficult part was figuring out how to show the difference between disabled people and abled people, because sometimes people dont have a visible disability. I resorted to making the shirt rainbow, while everyone else's is white. Originally this piece was about autism, but really it can be about any disability. We need to help them achieve. My next steps would be to add more value or texture to the people.