Time Capsules

The first drawing is my house from where I was sitting. It was the view from the window. Technically its the garage and the room above it where my bedroom and instruments (and more beds) are. The second drawing is a letter my ex wrote me after she told me she didn't want to be friends anymore at camp. It was an apology letter. It made me very mad at the time because she would always "break up" with me and hurt my feelings then come crawling back like nothing had happened. When I reread the letter, it wasn't actually as bad as I remembered. Anger affects your perception. The last drawing is a self portrait. This is an angle I've never done before. I kind of thought it was ugly, but really it isn't that bad. I think my self portraits have been getting more confident.

The only materials I used for these drawings was sketch paper and a graphite pencil. I also used a mirror for the self portrait, but I dont know if that counts. This is sketching at its finest.

I mostly used line and value. Not a lot, but there was some shading. I also used some space in the first two sketches. Everything started out a really basic outline, then I went back in and added shading to make the sketches a little stronger. My next steps could be to add line art or color. Or maybe add a background.