Advanced Art & Design

Semester 1 Reflection

This year I learned a lot in terms of art history from the bell ringers. I've been exposed to artists from multiple time periods and multiple styles, some I've heard of and others I hadn't. I've also been able to find a style in art and explore themes that I enjoy. I have been most successful in using materials that I'm familiar with to develop a unique style. Through the sustained investigation I've been able to create art that I truly enjoy. Being able to focus on a topic that I enjoy has helped me have a finished product that looks like me. It's also helped me hone in on specific skills that I use when I create. But while I've developed a style, I've had difficulty stepping out of my comfort zone to try new techniques and materials. I've gotten very comfortable with the method that I've developed to create, and I dont want to try new things because I'm worried that I wont create art that makes me happy. My goal for the next semester is to find a way to be able to experiment while still creating art I enjoy and can have fun creating. Something that I've noticed I enjoy through the sustained investigation is drawing specific body parts, such as eyes, hands, and hearts. I'm considering changing my sustained investigation to the exploration of how I can use different body parts and organs to show different emotions.

Final Reflection

I have improved through technical skill and more willingness to experiment with style. Some of the compositions in my earlier pieces are more busy, and I start to learn how to communicate messages through more simple compositions. I also try to be less sloppy by taking more time on my art, which is one reason why so many pieces remain unfinished.

My strengths as a learner is that I'm passionate about certain subjects, and I can definitely see a passion for creativity in my art, especially through my detail and reoccurring themes. My weakness as a learner is my perfectionism and my procrastination, it makes me have difficulty finishing art on time. Many of the art from this semester never got finished, simply because I worked slower. But my perfectionism did show up as a strength every once in a while through the detail in my art, especially with my sgraffito heart.

The most challenging thing was the quick rate at which we had to make and turn in art. I am more of a hobby artist, so having to make new art so often was stressful. It got to the point where I wouldn't finish old projects and just hopped on to the next one to keep up.

I am most proud of my sgraffito tile. I poured a lot of time and effort into it, and its not even a medium I've used often. The fine detail I achieved is something I'm very impressed with, and I think it really showcases my best skill.

My artistic goals for the future are to let myself have more freedom when creating. Already I'm letting my sketches get more loose and abstract. I also want to continue finishing art and not just sketch as I usually do with personal art, and be more smart about my composition, particularly with letting myself plan before I try to make a big piece. Lastly, I want to practice with anatomy more to make my art with human body, inside and out, more accurate.