Debra Zaslow

Position/Title: School Counselor

Name of School: P.S. 130 Hernando De Soto

DBN: 02M130 Superintendent: Bonnie Laboy

Personal Statement: I am a school counselor at P. S. 130. Located in Chinatown, the school has a population of over 900 students in grades Pre-K through 5. I began my career in education as an elementary school teacher, initially at the William Floyd School District in Shirley, NY, and later at P.S. 130 and P.S. 124. I have served as a school counselor in elementary and middle schools in District 2 since 1989. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, theater, and along with my husband, catering to the needs of our two cats.

Ages/Grades of students: Pre K-5th grades

Number of Years in school: 24

Years in education: 40+