Expert to Classroom Series

What is the Expert to Classroom Series?

The Center for Online and Digital Learning (CODL) will facilitate weekly self-guide learning for faculty new to teaching and STCC, called the Expert to Classroom Series. Each week, new STCC faculty are invited to review the content and complete activities, share their experiences, and learn about pedagogy and practices in the classroom, campus events and semester tasks. All members of the community are welcome.

Topics for the Series

Self-Guided Learning

We've developed a companion participation guide for the topic that corresponds with the video. Using the Google Form on each of the topic pages, faculty can review the content, respond to discussion prompts, questions, and activities presented in the video. Responses will be sent to the Center for Online & Digital Learning (CODL) and the faculty member themselves. 

New Faculty: Please complete the weekly Google Forms by prior to the next session.