Course Reports Self-Paced Training

Report Options in Blackboard Learn

Blackboard's Course Reports reporting tool allows educators to identify student engagement, explore performance indicators, and identify academic strengths and challenges for students. With actual course data, faculty can make informed changes to course content. This tool allows educators to identify and support those at risk or less engaged, providing information to make plans for individual interaction and direct student engagement. In this self-paced module, you will gain greater insight into how to run course reports and use data.

Report Options: Personal Assessment (Bb Self-Paced Training)

After reviewing content, respond to prompts on this Report Options: Personal Assessment (Bb Self-Paced Training) Google Form. Responses will be sent to the Center for Online & Digital Learning (CODL) and the faculty member themselves. 

Training Evaluation: Self-Paced Training on Blackboard Tools

After reviewing content, respond to prompts on this Training Evaluation: Self-Paced Training on Blackboard Tools. Responses will be sent to the Center for Online & Digital Learning (CODL) and the faculty member themselves.