Exam Converter for Blackboard

Do you like using Blackboard’s tests tool, but find it cumbersome to build out questions? An exam converter creates easily upload-able question files from a text document. 

How does it work? You can take a previously created test or create a new one in a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, reformat it following the instructions provided, and then upload into Blackboard to create a set of questions for use in exams and quizzes. You can adjust the questions and set the Test Options in Blackboard. All that is left is to set availability or make available for students to take. 

Let's learn how to format the file and upload it to Blackboard. 

Blackboard Exam Converter

The exam converter we are recommending is from the Northeast WI Technical University. The Blackboard Test Generator page includes instructional videos. You can also click on the button on the site for an example file. 

Uploading Exam Questions

The exam converter will create a text file that can be used to upload test questions directly into a Blackboard test canvas. To upload your questions do the following:

Your questions are now uploaded. You can adjust point values, edit questions, or build additional questions. Remember that you will need to deploy your test in order for it to be available to students. 

See the Tests Tool page for more information.