Flyers for All:
Using Google Slides

Do you use flyers to publicize events and activities? This page provides practical and accessible strategies for creating visually appealing and accessible digital flyers that effectively convey your message to a broad audience. Explore tools for layout and design while maintaining accessibility of your document.

Workshop Recording & Slides

Please see the recording of our workshop and the slides with speaker notes, or review the step by step guidance below. 

Practical Accessible: Flyers for All!

Creating Flyer with Google Slides

CODL has created a flyer template for you to get started. Make a copy of the Basic STCC Flyer Template, or start from a blank Google Slides presentation. The STCC Flyer template is optimized for printing, includes the STCC logo, and has easy to use placeholders for images and text. 

STCC flyer template

Add Images to Flyer

Images are a great way to enhance your communication. 

Prepare your image

Add image to flyer (when using the template)

Add image to placeholder

Add image to flyer (when starting from a blank presentation)

Insert image button on Google Slides menu

Add Alt text to your image

Alt text, or alternative text, is presented to someone using a screen reader, and allows them to hear a description of an image. Alt text may also be displayed on the screen if the image fails to load due to a slow connection or other technical difficulty. Alt text should be kept short, but informative, so that your readers who cannot see your image can still understand the information it conveys. Alt text is context specific and relates to the meaning that the image presents in your specific flyer. Alternative text for graphics, such as cartoons or charts, needs to include any text presented in the graphic while describing the overall meaning. See more on adding Alt text in Google Slides. To add Alt text:

Alt text for images in Google slides

Add Text to Flyer

Use text to convey all necessary information and details (don't put text information into images). 

Add text to flyer (when using the template)

The STCC Flyer Template includes a placeholder for title text, information text, and a label for a QR code of logo image. The text boxes are adjusted to use an accessible font, text size, and color. Click into the placeholder text boxes to add the information that you need.

Add content to template by clicking on placeholders

Add text to flyer (when starting from a blank presentation)

Slide layout menu

Make text that is easy to read

Set the reading order

When looking at a flyer visually, the images, text, and additional notes of a flyer are all visible at once. Someone viewing your flyer decides which content to focus on first based on text size, bolded text, or brightly colored images. Auditory information is presented linearly. A screen reader user will hear information from the flyer, like the text and Alt Text for an image, in the specific order determined by the reading order of your flyer. Check and adjust the reading order:

Slide reading order, send backward to move earlier in reading order, bring forward to move later in reading order

Distributing Flyer

Export to a PDF

A PDF document preserves the layout and design of your flyer while maintaining accessibility. Grackle, a Google chrome extension licensed for STCC use, creates an accessible PDF from your Google slide. To export to a PDF using Grackle:

Grackle extension
Export to PDF from Grackle

Share a web link

You may choose to share a weblink to your Google Slide flyer. This option allows for easy updates to the flyer and may work better on mobile devices. To share as a Google Slides weblink:

See more on Sharing a Google Presentation

Share in Google "anyone with the link"
Delete edit from URL
Add preview to URL