Test Tool

Online tests are still a relatively new concept for many faculty whether new or experienced in online teaching. It is also the tool that tends to raise concerns around academic dishonesty and cheating. However, just like in classroom courses, cheating occurs. There are ways to diminish the concerns and reduce cheating through pedagogical and technological means. 

Developing an online quiz is one of the more labor and time intense aspects of developing online content. For the purpose of this guide and during the time of Continuity of Instruction concerns, we will encourage faculty to consider posting assessments as they feel comfortable. 

There are two options for providing quizzes and test in Blackboard:

Use the Assignment Tool in Blackboard

Use the Test Tool in Blackboard

Creating Tests in Blackboard (Webinar)

The Test tool affords faculty the ability to create diverse and robust questions to assess learning. In this introductory session, presented on Friday, August 1st, 2020, we offer an overview of the features for creating quizzes and surveys. Specific topics covered include:  Question Types, Assessment Types, Creating Questions, Creating Assessments, and Viewing Assessments.

Copy a Test in Blackboard

Here are some step-by-step instructions for you.

Part 1

Part 2

Student Test Results in Blackboard

For faculty using the test tool seeking student responses for each question for a specific test. 

Allow extended time for a test

You may need to give extended time on a test to a student with a specific accommodation. You may also need to give a student an additional attempt for a test if a student encountered technical difficulties. To allow for the exception, follow the steps below or open the Allow extended time for a test instructions with screenshots