Course Templates

About the STCC Template

A template serves as a guide for navigation and content placements. Students need to focus their time on the content, not how to get to the content. A standard template across courses will help students more easily orient themselves to all their courses in Blackboard. When the basic navigation is standardized, students spend less time searching and more time interacting with your course, classmates, you, and your teaching and learning materials.

For both faculty and students, creating a familiar navigation and design promotes consistency across classes and a level of comfort using the system. 

The CODL made improvements to the STCC course template that streamline how students find resources, and provide easy access to tools such as Messages and Calendar. Follow step by step instructions in the video to align your course menu with suggested updates. 

STCC's Online Course Template

Online Template

The Online Template is primarily for courses being taught in the Hybrid, Blended Synchronous, and Distance instructional methods, but any course that makes extensive use of Blackboard can use the online template. The Online Template includes the following course menu components:

Online course template

Online Course Template

Lecture Template

The Lecture Template is generally for courses taught in the Lecture or Web-Assisted instructional methods. It is a pared down version of the Online Template for courses that have less content and student engagement in Blackboard. The Lecture Template includes the following course menu components:

Lecture course template

Lecture Course Template