
The province of Ledoslavl is situated in the north west part of Triman. It was made a separate province only a generation ago, when the Boyar of Ledoslavl married the daughter of Tzar Nikovar. Their son became the first Kniaz of Ledoslavl. He successfully campaigned against the neighbouring country of Frakia as well as expanded into territories previously claimed by the duchy of Drevnedub. Being wealthier than the Tsar himself, the Kniaz has maintained a large standing army. Most of the army consists of knights of noble blood, just like the army of Frakia.

When the Trimanian Tzar died, the Kniaz of Ledoslavl attempted to seize some of the Tzars land as well. With the first Kniaz of Ledoslavl now dead, it is up to his heir to live up to the family name. With a good claim to the throne, and an army that could seize and hold the capitol this could very well be the next ruler of the realm If you want to know more about Ledoslavl, you can read about:

History of Ledoslavl Religion in Ledoslavl Trade and occupation ClothingPoliticsA typical settlement