Traditions and everyday life

Family structure

Most Trimanians live as nuclear families with mother, father and children. It is customary to take care of older relatives that can't take care of themselves.

The parens, when they are to old to have a separate household, move in with the eldest male child in Ledoslavl and Gradoslavl and with the eldest female child in Kardomir.

In Jereman families have been scattered due to the civil war, with fleeing relatives moving in with anyone who has room for them. In Drevnedub, families live in clan structure, expanding on the house and the younger generations not really moving away.

It is customary to take in poor relatives if one has the surplus. They are given work and housing, and are considered part of the family. It is seen as unfitting for anyone in that household to marry these relatives, just like marrying close relatives. The household that takes them in is expected to provide the same wedding gift as to their own children

Gender roles

Kardomir has gender equality, with positions being held based on merit. In addition, inheritance is matrilineal (by the mother, not the father) and therefore Kardomir is ruled by a kniaginia, not a kniaz, and all the noble houses are led by women.

Ledoslavl lacks gender equality. Women can rise to high positions, however they are regarded unfavorably and discriminated for doing so. A proper Leodslavian woman should be a housewife.

Women can be found in high positions at court as advisors, artists or scientists, however they are usually either of noble birth or raised to nobility, usually through marriage. They are referred to by their noble title, not the courtly position, as it is seen as improper to bring attention to them having a profession.

Women also take the position of their husband if the husband is dead or away. So a woman can sit in her husbands place at the council of the kniaz or even command his soldiers, however she is expected to step down, or remarry, at the earliest opportunity. This expectation has led to much conflict with castles besieged by soldiers of scorned grooms. Normally, the tsar would intervene in such conflicts, however no tsar is available.

Drevendub lacks gender equality. All important positions will be expected to be held by men. Exception to this is the council of elders, where both genders are equal.

The second exception is the irregular army. Women are allowed to bear arms, the same as men. Because of the civil war, many women have fought in battles as part of the irregular army. Several of these women now want a position in the bogatyr guard or as officers, but have so far been denied it.

Gradoslavl has more gender equality the higher up in society one is. A nobleman or noblewoman can choose to be a knight, a stay at home father/mother, scientist or merchant.

If you are middle class, ou can take any trade you want, however it is unusual to find female soldiers and female manual labourers

The lower classes are expected to live and die in the gutter, so they don't have much options any way.

The Jeremanians have full gender equality. Anyone can hold any position, and it has become more common to both have a female and a male holding the same position together. This is also the only group accepting of non-binary gender besides the church.

Rites of passage


The birth of a child is should be observed by a sage of Svarog who both sees to the medical wellbeing of the mother and child and does the warding rituals against evil. The child is named no more than a day after birth, and food is burned in Svarogs name as the sage proclaims the name of the child. This offering is meant to protect against crib death and by many commoners is seen as a bribe to supernatural spirits, even though the church denies this to be the case.

Coming of age

In Triman, different provinces have different milestones for coming of age. In general, one is considered an adult when one has finished attending the church school. At this age, one is able to marry, and one can join the army of the feudal lord. One is also taxated as an adult.

In Drevnedub, one is considered adult at 16. One is then able to vote at the village meetings and can join the militia. While considered adults at 16, most drevnedubians don't marry before they are in their late 20s

In Ledoslavl, one is considered adult at 15. They can then take jobs as soldiers, miners or other dangerous occupations. Most Ledoslavians marry young, before reaching their 20s.

In Gradoslavl, one becomes adult only at the age of 21. Then one can become a soldier, or should have finished the training period at a Guild. Before coming of age, one can take a training position as a squire, at a ship, or become a servant. Most Gradoslavians marry when coming of age or soon after, mostly in their early 20s.

In Kardomir, one becomes adult at 12 and can attend an institution for higher learning. One has to become 20 before joining the guards and it is considered unfitting for the higher classes to marry before reaching their mid-20s. Lower classes might marry from 16 years of age.

In Jereman, one is considered an adult at 15. One is able to marry from that age, however most wait until their early 20s with marriage.


In Triman, marriage is between man and woman with the intent to bring about children. Other forms of cohabitation is accepted by the church (it is not sinful to live as a gay couple) however these unions are not seen as business of the church. In several provinces, particularly in Jereman, it is not unusual to live together before marriage. It is seen as highly unfortunate to have a child outside of marriage, and many seek to marry when one becomes pregnant.

Before marriage, the couple has to approach a sage and declare their intention to live together. They are then invited to have a supper with the sage where the sage speaks about marriage and the difficulties they might encounter. The sage then casts a circle of truth, and the couple has to step in it and tell the sage that they willingly enter the marriage and that they are not already bound in a marriage.

If the couple passes this test, the sage then invites the whole village to the marriage ceremony.

If someone is forced into marriage, it falls upon the sage to protect this person and prevent a forced marriage, if necessary by sending the person to a different church or to the feudal lord for protection. The tsar used to have such persons staying at the court and was seen as responsible for finding them a new marriage candidate.


Divorce is possible in Triman. It is not uncommon in Gradoslavl and Jereman, and quite rare in Ledoslavl and Kardomir. It is not performed by the church, in stead it is done by the feudal lord,

The feudal lord, if he or she wants divorce, has to go to his or hers feudal lord. If the tsar or tsaritsa want to divorce, their marriage is dissolved by the oldest relative that holds the title of kniaz or kniaginia.

Divorce is almost unheard of in Drevnedub, and the village elders will try to convince the couple to remain married and figure out different ways to solve their issues. It is more common to take out separation or to move to ones parents house for a time than to divorce. Moving to relatives in another village is also possible. If they still want divorce, for example if they have found someone else, the marriage is dissolved by the village elders. One is not permitted to remarry for 5 years after a divorce, except to go back to the initial marriage. Many therefore elect cohabitation in stead of marriage. Divorced persons, particularly the man, are seen as loosing face upon divorcing.


Trimanian religion is not very clear on what happens after one dies. Trimanians believe in a linear life, which begins at birth and ends in death. It is seen as natural, and something to accept. To wish to avoid death is seen as going against the natural order, and one is urged by the church to make the most of the time one has, rather than to try to prolong it. At the opposite, the agents of the Black Serpent often promise eternal life, usually through undeath.

Priests of Svarog perform rituals of protection and burial. They take upon themselves the sins of the deceased, so that the soul of the dead will not be damned to the realm of the Black Serpent and cast spells that will in stead guide the soul to the light of Svarog.

It is possible for the sages of Svarog to bring one back from death. This is something they rarely do, only bringing back someone has an unfinished task that can not be solved without the direct involvement of the dead person. Anyone so brought back to life dedicates his or her life to the service of Svarog.

It is also possible for the dead that are in the light of Svarog to come back to our world. Most commonly, they do so without taking on corporal form, as spirits that can communicate with the living to guide them.

Much rarer is it to cast spells upon the body before burial that enables the deceased to come back for a limited time if called upon. Legend has it, that a whole army of dead is buried somewhere in Triman, awaiting the order of the Elder of the church to rise for battle. The church denies this, asking why this army was not brought to battle when tsar Vsevolod attacked the church, or invaders from Frakia or Tulgar plundered Triman.

Value system

Svarog teaches to value each living being, with the church putting emphasis on the value of sapient beings, that is, humans. Every human is perceived to be equal in the eyes of Svarog, and should have freedom, equality and a purposeful life. In a medieval world, this is unrealistic, and the feudal system has to make compromises with this ideal. Still, the feudal lord is supposed to respect each subject and treat everyone equal under the law.

Everyone, even the tsar, are equal in the church.

Triman has at times been an enlightened, constitutional monarchy, which some of the tsars, like Vsevolod the Cruel, have fought against, wanting to instil an absolute monarchy in its place.


Trimanians like to depict scenes of nature, animals and people in their art. Their art is closer to renaissance than medieval art when it comes to proportions and perspective, while the techniques used are mostly woodwork, mosaics, and oil painting as done in medieval europe

Popular topics for paintings are scientific discoveries, everyday work and portraits. It is quit common to depict Svarog and his angels