The Church Year

Devout followers of Svarog are expected to observe the following set dates:

Winter solstice, when the village gathers for a great feast either in the church or in the hall or the feudal lord. It is customary to give children new clothing before this occasion

Spring equinox, when the sage (or sages) of Svarog run through the village with wet birch branches, casting holy water on all the houses in the village

Summer solstice, when the villagers make headbands of flowers and jump over fires as a show of being pure of spirit. The sages tell tales of ancient times and record new tales the villagers tell in their book of chronicles

Autumn equinox, when the villagers gather to tests of skill and strength, like fighting with wooden poles, dressed up in scary masks. The ritual symbolises of the battle against evil

moving dates:

The first day of sowing, is the first day it is possible to sow something somewhere in Triman. The day is predicted astronomically for the given year, and on the day, corn is blessed in the main church of Jarslavl and sent to all the churches. A different ceremony, where the sage goes to the fields and blesses the corn before planting, is done when the weather in the given region permits it.

The first day of harvest is celebrated with the first corn being blessed in the church of Svarog and then sent to the central church in Jarslav. The corn is received by the sages in Jarslav and blessed anew in the church. The date is written down in the chronicles of the church

The last day of harvest is celebrated when the last harvest has been gathered. The very last corn collected in each village is sent to the church of Svarog in Jarslav with a small band of young farmers sons and daughters. The journey is a big celebration, and they are welcomed in every village thy pass through. They are expected to help at the farms receiving them, but this is mostly symbolic and the journey is a fest all the way to Jarslav and then back. This journey is for many the first time they travel far, and is seen as an informal coming of age ceremony.