Herbs and magical plants

Trim Grass (lat. Helianthus) – once abundant in the southern part of Triman, this plant is rumoured to have many magical properties. It is said to imbue with strength, courage and agility anyone that consumes the plant. The legend of the Sunhorse claims that the Sunhorse was given it’s magical properties by consuming Trim Grass.

The Trim Grass blossoms with big yellow flowers. The seeds of the Trim Grass flower have the same properties as the rest of the plant, and are also used when making the elixir of life.

Fireweed (sve. Mjölke, lat. Chamerion angustifolium) - is a flower that grows abundantly in Triman. While most only treasure it for the beautiful flowers, it is also used in making herb tea and can be used in healing rituals.

The Birch tree (sve. Björk, lat.Betula) is a tree common in Triman from the coast and all the way to Pereslavl, and is easily found in all provinces. The tree is regarded to have several mystical properties, and is used in various cleansing rituals, chief amongst them being the ritual of the sauna and midsummer rituals. The leaves can be used in rituals to cure poison.

Mint (sve. Mynta, lat. Mentha) is a group of herbs that is quite rare in Triman. It is mostly grown by churches of Svarog and is used in magical healing rituals and warding rituals. Drevnedub imports this herb in large quantities.

Some claim it to be an aphrodisiac, although the sages of the church have not confirmed this.

Raisin (sve. Rosin) - The result of drying a grape. As the grape dries it transforms, hence why it is used in rituals to transform humans into other, dryer creatures.

Almond (sve. Mandel, lat. Prunus dulcis) is imported from overseas to Triman. It is sometimes used as a sweetener in certain pastries. It is also described as an ingredient in some more obscure healing rituals

Marsilea (nor. Klöverbräkna, lat. Marsilea quadrifolia) is a magical plant that only blossoms on midsummer night. It grows in swamps and is said to have the magical property to break any lock or chain. It is also said to be able to curse a smith, so they can no longer work, and can be used to break a marriage if consumed by a couple at the exact same time.

Rumor has it that several refugees from Kardomir used it to flee, and that princess Vasilisa used it to free Vratslav from tsar Vsevolods prison.

Garlic (sve. Vitlök, lat. Allium sativum) is a plant that is commonly used in food in Triman. It is most common on the plains in the south and east, and if grown the right way, can be used in rituals.

There are supposedly rituals that let you communicate with animals after eating the garlic.

There are also ways to make the garlic ward of evil spirits and bad luck from your home. However, this also makes the evil spirits note the home, and if the protection is ever removed, expect many troubles!

Garlic can also be used in rituals meant to trap spirits or keep them away, like warding circles.

In western parts of Triman, Garlic is claimed to be an aphrodisiac and helpful with erectile dysfunction.

The golden fern ( sve. Guldbräkna, lat. Polypodiopsida Au or Polypodiophyta Au) Stories tell of a golden fern that can be found only on the night of midsummer and will grant you anything you desire. The stories also tell that whoever found the golden fern lost all joy in life as their desires turned hollow, they became distant of their family and their only friends were fake.

Sleepflower (sve. Nipsippa, lat. Pulsatilla patens) is a flower that can be used to aid with sleep. It is very potent, and just hanging it over the bed is usually enough. A sleepflower extract can be used to make someone fall unconscious

Harebell (sve. Blåklocka, lat. Campanula rotundifolia) This plant is used in rituals to remove magical influence over a person, be it a curse, magical compulsion or domination. Wearing this plant together with a holy symbol of Svarog will make it harder to affect you by these types of magic as well