

Welcome to MicroPython on the micro:bit!

Try these commands:





What do these commands do? Can you improve them? HINT: use the up and down

arrow keys to get your command history. Press the TAB key to auto-complete

unfinished words (so 'di' becomes 'display' after you press TAB). These

tricks save a lot of typing and look cool!


Type 'help(something)' to find out about it. Type 'dir(something)' to see what

it can do. Type 'dir()' to see what stuff is available. For goodness sake,

don't type 'import this'.

Control commands:

CTRL-C -- stop a running program

CTRL-D -- on a blank line, do a soft reset of the micro:bit

CTRL-E -- enter paste mode, turning off auto-indent

Available modules: antigravity, array, collections, gc, love, math,

micropython, music, neopixel, os, radio, random, speech, struct, sys, this

For more information about Python, visit: http://python.org/

To find out about MicroPython, visit: http://micropython.org/

Python/micro:bit documentation is here: https://microbit-micropython.readthedocs.io/