
Don't Miss Out!

The 39th National Stuttering Association (NSA) Annual Conference is in Newport Beach, California this year!

June 29th - July 3rd, 2022

Couldn't make it this year?  Start planning for next year! 

It is never too early to plan for this amazing conference!

As always it is an event to remember!

To find out more, click here to go to their website.

Maine Events:

While we are not super tech savvy, we have a few virtual meetings under our belts and conducted a few Google Hangouts!

If you are interested in attending a Google Hangout session (similar to Skype) - in lieu of a regular Chapter meeting - please contact Natalie to request a Hangout at or via phone (207) 416-4586.  We'll discuss with the group and see about getting one scheduled.

Click here to be redirected to the support page for Google, informing you of what is needed in order to join a Google Hangout. Please take a look before attempting to join a hangout.

Here are two of the major things we learned from our first session:

1. Bring a headset or headphones. Bluetooth does not tend to work well with Google Hangouts, so try to use corded ones if you can.

2. You'll need a fairly good internet connection. We learned this the hard way, and needless to say, some connections have a better stutter than I do.

If you are concerned about your ability to join a Google Hangout event, we'd be happy to run a practice connection with you (one-on-one). Just contact Natalie Bragan to schedule a quick practice call.  Our contact info is in the Contact Us tab.

Maine had a Fantastic One-Day Conference!  

September 17th, 2016

But don't just take my word for it! 

Here is what other attendees had to say about the conference:

"I felt an unexpected but appreciated blend of familiar and new perspectives." - Hannah Laday

"Powerful and eye-opening. I would recommend a conference like this for everyone who loves a stutterer.  A few hours immersed in the stutterer's community with these wonderful people is one of the best things I've done to more fully understand my daughter. Thank you, NSA members!"

- Priscilla Ellis, Maine Elementary School Teacher

     "What I most appreciated about the workshops was the diversity of participants and their willingness to share!" 

- Nancy Hall, University of Maine Professor/SLP

Click here to see photos from the conference!

Here is a snap shot into our first Maine NSA One-Day Conference:

Maine NSA Conference.pdf