June 29th, 2021

Post date: July 9, 2021

We had a really good meeting this week even though the crew was small.  Jeff, Natalie and I zoomed in and had a great time talking about the NSA Conference.  Jeff will be leaving this coming Tuesday for Texas!  We all had been to a conference so it was great to talk about our experiences there and to reiterate and state strongly that it's such a MUST DO for anyone who stutters to attend at least one NSA conference.  Meeting together where "you are in the norm" is an amazing experience.  I talked also about a two day virtual SLP conference I had just finished attending and was so impressed by the panel of school aged kids and teens who shared their thoughts/feelings and work with stuttering!  They were so amazingly cool with the whole topic and okay to be working on it but also okay to stutter and not letting it hold them back!  Those kids are role models for the rest of us!  AND hmmm...we talked about other stuff too but now I can't remember!!  Ugh!

Don't miss out on our picnic get together on July 17th at Noon.  Location has been shared with our email group.  We can't wait to see you in person!