September 27th, 2022

Post date: October 25, 2022

We had a good meeting last Tuesday, four of us zoomed in for the whole meeting; Jeff, Chris M., Andy, and myself, and Rick showed up for a bit. We shared some bits of our recent and future lives. Andy will be hiking the Arizona Trail for the next 5 weeks, and recently gave a toastmaster speech; while Chris has been busy managing the election campaign of a local state legislature candidate which brings a lot of good speech challenges! We talked about how the emotional triggers for stuttering anticipations and fears are hardwired, such that we often think "Where did that stutter come from?". Finally we had fun with an "avoidance activity" that I dredged up from old records of a past NSA Meeting. We all showed up in good form, see picture, and we missed those who weren't there. Hope to see you next time. And remember to put November 14th on your calendar, that is the day we will meet with Nancy Hall's Graduate Class on Fluency Disorders. It's an opportunity for us to share our stories with future SLPs and most importantly, to impart those words of wisdom, i.e. what we all wish SLPs knew about stuttering!