March 28th, 2018

Post date: May 4, 2018 1:17:38 PM

We had a small, but lovely March meeting with Natalie, myself, and my husband Mike. Topics ranged from foolish things we can do with smartphones to the joys of having a fire outside, but we also talked a lot about stuttering! 

Natalie shared that she seems to be stuttering more lately and it has been very frustrating. She would just like to get back to feeling 'neutral' about stuttering when it happens, as opposed to be frustrated and upset by it. She mentioned that maybe more voluntary stuttering would help, but who wants to do that?! Don't we stutter enough? It is supposed to de-sensitize a person to stuttering, though. Maybe we should do it more. 

On the positive side, both of us have been reading aloud at home. Woohoo! Natalie and her husband have been reading the Bible aloud, and my husband and I have been reading "Suddenly the Cider Didn't Taste So Good," a collection of game warden tales. I am proud of this because I really struggle reading aloud and it's important for a teacher! It has been helping :)

We also shared some memories of stuttering at school and awful presentations we had to give. The stuttering and struggling could be brutal. Is it worse to be stopped while presenting? Or is it worse to be allowed to finish and have to stick it out? We've had both experiences!