December 18-19, 2019

Post date: December 20, 2019

The Holidays are upon us and to many of us that means family, family, and more family.  Whether it is with friends that feel like family or family by blood, participating in the festivities usually entails at least a bit of talking.

Given that Natalie proposed a different sort of meeting this month, a Google Hangout.  Many of our members are travelling and visiting and would not be able to attend an in-person meeting, but in this day and age that doesn't mean you can't still get support from your NSA Chapter, if you have access to a computer or smart phone. For those of you who have never used Google Hangouts, a Hangout is just like Skype, you may need to download a plugin or an app, but then you are set to go.  Natalie will send a hangout link to the group via email and anyone who would like to join is more than welcome.  Come hangout! Let's talk holiday plans, travelling, struggles, coping techniques, speech tools, and speaking triumphs. 

In the end, we decided to hold a hangout on both Wednesday, 12/18, or Thursday, 12/19, at 7PM.

December 18th

We had a great hangout just now with Chris, Ravi, Shaleen and me (Natalie).  Everyone appreciated the flexibility of the format, it allows us to communicate with each other even when we can't get to a meeting in person.  I think we'd like to make these meetings a more regular occurrence (especially in the winter months).  Perhaps our snow-birds and out of state folks can attend a hangout sometime.

We talked about our plans for the holidays, the end of the school semester (for both Shaleen, the professor and Shaleen, the student), recent and upcoming trips out of the country, our stuttering as of late, and the importance of practicing the tools that make it easier for us to talk.  Much like a muscle, I know I have to keep my tools strong to make them available to me when I need them.  When they are weak, I tend to pull a proverbial "speech muscle" when struggling to get out of a particularly difficult block.

I am so proud of this chapter every time I meet to talk with you.  You always lift my spirits, make me think, and give me guidance.  Thank you and Happy Holidays.

December 19th

It was me (Natalie) and Marybeth tonight!  Seems that some of our other members who were planning on stopping by were otherwise detained, no worries though! It was a great and intimate get together and always a pleasure to talk with Marybeth.  We agreed this really is a great format for the winter months here in Maine and we plan to continue it next month.  We'd love to get a crew in the next hangout and so check your calendars and give us some dates that work best for you.  We'll be in touch.  And as always, if you Stutter, you are not alone.