June 27th, 2018

Post date: July 25, 2018

We had a great meeting last night and welcomed a new member ... Lauren Keefe!   A college student at UMaine studying forestry.    In addition to Lauren, 5 of us were in attendance: Mike, Jane, Natalie, Erin and myself.  After our round of introductions, which... of course lasted quite awhile as we each told a bit of our back story to Lauren, we talked mostly about the feelings and attitudes that we all struggle with when "back sliding" occurs... You know, those periods of time when stuttering just seems to get more of the upper hand than before.  We talked about all the cycle of thoughts that go through our heads during those moments when the ol' stutter just seems more there than we would like it to be!!  We also talked about NSA in general and the annual conference with Lauren and encouraged her to attend one of these years.   Sadly, no one from our little chapter will be going to Chicago next week.   Maybe next year!