December 30th, 2020

Post date: January 4, 2021

We had  a well attended meeting last Wednesday! It was so great to see so many of you: Chris M, Natalie, Megan, Jeff, Hannah, George, Shaleen, Erin and myself! 9 in total!  What a crowd! (I should have taken a screenshot of our group!  Will someone please remind me the next time???) We rang out the old year by being positive and sharing the silver linings of this past year. We realized for a lot of us that meant just a lot more time to do more relaxed, meditative, and deeper thinking. We mostly took stock of important things in our life that had tended to go unappreciated in the past and recognizing those times that we "stepped up to the plate" and took something new and succeeding.   Some of us took the 2020 "thinking time" to look "way back" and being "okay" with who we were then and who we are now. But also looking forward to new challenges that 2021 will bring.