October 1, 2020

Post date: October 28, 2020

We had a nice virtual meeting, via Zoom; our September meeting in October!  Four of us connected, Natalie, Ravi , me and we welcomed, Christopher Kessler.  Great to share some of our history and to have some wonderful discussions about stuttering.  We talked on a wide range of topics.  I didn't take notes, but two topics I remember were sharing some of our NSA background with Christopher and then a great topic about speaking under time pressure and public speaking in general.  This last topic came from the review of the American Life Episode, "Made to be Broken".  If any of you haven't listened to it yet... please do.  The link is in the Noteworthy section of our homepage.  We could all relate to the speaker's experiences.

MEANWHILE....  October 22nd is International Stuttering Awareness Day.  There is an annual online conference that is sponsored by the International Stuttering  Association this time each year.  The papers and discussion logs cover a vast range of topics but this year's theme was Journey of Words: Resilience and Bouncing Back.  I encourage you all to take time to log in and enjoy the range of thoughts and ideas from other PWSSLPs, and researchers from all over the world.   During the "active weeks" there are open comment threads to ask questions and engage in discussion with the authors .  After October 22nd, papers will still be accessible and archived, but no longer active for discussion.