October 26, 2020

Post date: October 28, 2020

We had a really good NSA zoom meeting this Monday.  Four people attended, including our Regional Chapter Coordinator, Jeff Olevson (He zoomed in from California).  Also there were Chris K, Natalie and myself.  Erin tried to make it but, between motherhood and an exhausting day, it was not to be that night!  Anyway, the discussion ranged from some daily stresses to our career paths and how stuttering might have impacted that.  Then the question asked... If you could go back in time, what would you tell your teenage/adult self, if anything, specifically about stuttering and career choices?  Not surprisingly, we all had something to say to our younger self, but  actually, most of us wouldn't have changed anything and we're happy where we are now!   

We also had a good discussion about online communication and the new world of "normal" in that regard.   More importantly, we missed all the people on our email list and realized that, with the advent of Zoom, Google meet and other virtual options, our Eastern Maine NSA Chapter really doesn't have to be so "Eastern" anymore.  People who stutter from all over the state can certainly join in without worrying about traveling distance or bad weather!  Christopher, and also our Regional Chapter Coordinator Jeff, have certainly proven that!  And so with that in mind I, your humble leader, have realized I've been in somewhat of a rut.  Or otherwise, in an easy valley of "no energy expended".   So, this month you will all be hearing from me!  I intend to work to revive / invigorate this gathering of PWS.

More to come!