January 28th, 2019

Post date: February 9, 2019

Hi, all.

Three people attended our meeting Monday night at Dysart's... Lauren, Erin, and myself!  We had a great discussion about public speaking, or simply just speaking in front of any kind of a group.  We all had lots to share and the strategies we have used and what seems to work for each of us.  We talked about practice, about making sure you know the content, about strategies to remain calmer (breathe!).  And we have all been in positions where we have stepped up to the plate and taken on a speaking role when other "fluenters" had been way to scared to volunteer. Which led to discussions of how our life of "stuttering and getting through it and surviving and then... going for more!" has made us stronger people.  Near the end we also worked through an NSA "Meeting Topic" on Fear.  A series of discussion questions related to our overall fears... and how we have learned to overcome them and if those strategies could be applied to the fears surrounding stuttering.  All in all, a good meeting!!

I may not be in town the last week of February and Lauren and Erin volunteered to lead that meeting!  Thanks!!