March 24th, 2021

Post date: April 6, 2021

Seven of us Eastern Maine NSAers met up on zoom this past Wednesday to catch up and participate in some lively discussion: Andy, Megan, Natalie, Chris M. George, Jeff and myself!  Our talk included a variety of topics, but the hot topic was how and when to get a COVID-19 Vaccination!  But then we got down to all things stuttering, we discussed how we might feel or have felt meeting other people who stutter either for the first time or just "out in the wild".  How do we think listeners really feel when they hear us stutter?  Do we ever ask?  Do we usually lay onto them our own negative feelings?  Are we our worst enemy?  How easy is it for us to "stand our ground" in a verbal conflict or conversation?  And then, as promised, we shared jokes, folks!  It was lots of fun!  We missed those who weren't able to attend, but we wholeheartedly hope to see you in April!