April 23, 2019

Post date: May 13, 2019

Lauren, Shaleen, Ravi, and Erin checked in on how life and stuttering are going.  Topics ranged from honor society inductions and public speaking to making utilities phone calls when moving into new apartments and the general stresses of daily life and work that contribute to our stress and stuttering.  Lauren is going to lead the charge on setting up May's meeting.  Please be looking for email from Lauren about next meeting for May!!

Thanks to Erin and Lauren leading this April meeting in my absence. 

Now on the most exciting news ever.  Erin's baby boy Alex has arrived!!  He is just so cute and I have a report that he, Mom and Dad are doing well.  He was very gracious and patient and waited until Thursday, April 25th... 2 days after the NSA meeting! ...to be born.  Way to be a champ, Alex!