April 25th, 2022

Post date: June 1, 2022

Hello there, lovely NSAers,.on a stormy day here in Maine!  It was a much cheerier night on Monday, when three of us zoomed in for our meeting: Andy, Jeff and I.  A small group, yes, but still powerful energy.  We chatted about our past activities, we had a lot to talk about: toastmasters, spring time in California, boats, docks, fishing, and recovering freezing wet kids off a windy white capped lake, one of whom stuttered!

We talked about getting together for in-person meetings maybe every other or every third month, with individual members offering to "host" the meeting at a location near them (e.g. restaurant, park, or maybe their house).  In that way, we can move the meetings around to different geographical locations around the state.  How about some feedback on that idea.  If I take the month of June, I would suggest we meet at our old haunt: Dysart's Truck stop.