February 25th, 2019

Post date: February 28, 2019

Amidst a cold blustery night , 3 of us PWS met at Dysart's for our February meeting: Lauren, Natalie and I.  We had a very apropos discussion about jobs... both interviewing for and recruiting!  Lauren is looking for a summer job in a forestry related area (she's a job interviewee) and Natalie is in the process of recruiting an assistant in her workplace (she's an interviewer).  It was apropos because the NSA has just released an amazingly useful program for PWS who are job seekers!  NSA is offering real time practice job interviews and advice.  Also is scheduling monthly webinars, which have been archived so if you miss the actual webinar, you can still access it.  What a great resource the NSA has given us!  What was really neat is that I had brought my computer to the meeting because Natalie was going to show us how to edit our NSA MAINE website... and so we did that too.  Tell us what you think of the website and please send us any and all ideas on what else you'd like to see on the website.  Remember, if you google "stuttermaine", it comes up pretty high on the list.