July 17th, 2021

Post date: July 28, 2021

The picnic in Fairfield happened on Saturday, July 17th!  YAY!!  It was so great to meet in person. Natalie did a great job getting us all organized and Chris M., Shaleen, daughter Veena, and myself had such a good time chatting, eating and enjoying the warm "non-rainy" weather.  We wish more of you could have come, but yes, it is a drive to get anywhere from there in Maine and we lead busy lives, even on weekends.  We certainly missed you, but we did have fun anyway!  See the picture link below.  A good looking group, if I do say so. One major point we made as we chatted in the afternoon sun was we all agreed that ZOOM has been good to us as a group, as it has widened our "footprint in Maine" and has enabled us, even though far away, to still connect.

So....YES!  We will still be having our Zoom meetings.  We don't want anyone to be left out because of distance anymore!  Stay tuned for our next one.  Hope to see you there.
