August 22nd, 2022

Post date: September 29, 2022

We had a great zoom meeting on Monday with 6 of us attending; Natalie, Andy, Lauren, Chris, Rick and myself. It was great to see Lauren again and we're happy she's back in Maine. We all just chimed in and shared what was new. I really did forget to take notes, we are all pretty much being busy with life. We just talked a bit (mainly me) at the end about the ISAD 2022 Online Conference Theme, "Being Seen, Being Heard ''. There's a neat 5 minute video to watch on the webpage that puts the concept of this theme into perspective. . Wouldn't it be cool if any one of us, or all of us, could create, write, or do something to submit to the conference. In any event, it was great to check in and support each other in any way that was needed.

Big event this Saturday, August 27th!   We'll have our 2nd, live meet up, social time in Waterville at the Lion's Den. We plan to meet at the door at 12:00 noon and get a table outside for lunch. Four of us so far will be there, so hope to see more! Make it a day adventure, tour this part of Maine! Wives/Partners/kids are of course all invited too!  As Natalie noted in an earlier email, there's parking in the back.