January 30th, 2024

Post date: March 26, 2024

We had a simply fantastic meeting on Tuesday. Seven of us showed up. We met Andy (#2) for the first time we and welcomed back Megan who is now "Maisie". A meaningful token to the beginning of her journey of stuttering acceptance! The usual suspects also showed up: Andy (#1), Natalie, Chris, Debbie and me! We spend some time getting to know each other. We also talked a lot about covert stuttering, what it means to us individually and ways that it has impacted our lives. We talked about openly stuttering, the difficulty of total acceptance which is a place where most of us would like to be, but realize we may never get there. Each step along the journey, however, can make a powerful difference in our lives and self confidence. 

Looking forward to next month and hoping to see even more faces that we haven't seen for awhile and of course, NEW faces are always welcome!