October 27th, 2014

Post date: Dec 16, 2014 5:44:54 PM

Hi all,

This is a very belated report of the October E. Maine NSA Chapter meeting.  Unfortunately I will have to rely on my feeble memory since it seems so long ago!

Our October meeting was held at our usual watering hole, Dysart's Truckstop, on Monday,  Oct. 27th.  A smaller group than we have been having recently.  Four of us "regulars" attended: 3 PWS (Mike , Chris, myself) and Mike's wife Jane.   We read the opening words together.  Then, since we were all either retired or "almost" retired,  the discussion pretty much flowed around retirement and careers.  We talked about how many people have had successful careers despite being a stutterer.  However, we also discussed how hard it was to truly "let go" and to reach that point  of "ultimate acceptance".  All three of us PWS were really not quite there yet, and at difference places along that continuum, after all these years.  We could all name situations in which and people with whom we would try to not stutter!   Such is life!

Because we meet during the last week in the month and the two holiday months approaching, we decided to meet in early December. The next meeting will be on Thursday, December 4th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Dysarts.