July 2nd, 2015

Post date: Jul 17, 2015 12:43:57 AM

The Augusta NSA unofficial "chapter" met [July 2nd] at Inna's place for its second monthly meeting. Inna and Chris were joined by Ravi and Shaleen all the way from Orono!

We each used the time to focus on "doing the work" we needed to practice our speaking-- each in our own way--with good attention and support from each other.  Nobody understands our stuttering like other stutterers! The feedback and support allowed us to go deep. 

Among other things, we noticed that each of us got involved with compassionate and effective speech therapy only after experiences with not-so-effective therapies (Ravi and Shaleen in India, Inna in Russia, Chris in the 60s and 70s US).

Frequent practice and phone contact with each other really helps us, we realized...just to give a call when speaking isn't going well or you want to practice.  We exchanged phone numbers.  "We are not alone", as the saying goes, and with each others help we can reemerge into easier speech!