January 21st, 2017

Post date: Feb 23, 2017 2:16:19 PM

Our E. Maine NSA Chapter met last night at Dysart's. Attending were myself and Natalie....so we missed the rest of you, but had a super great chat!  We talked about recent "talking events" that seemed harder than usual for both us, which led to the discussion of "voluntary stuttering".  I think mainly we discussed the ways it can help us both become more desensitized to stuttering and to help change the way we stutter (hopefully to an easier stutter) when we "take it on" as a way to modify our stuttering as it's happening!  

On another side topic, we talked about how we, in general as human beings, tend to resist, procrastinate and/or otherwise rationalize our way out of doing some of the "hard work" that will help us make the changes we say we want to do!!  Examples of this "human-ness abound" and include not only PWS using voluntary stuttering, but also when anyone says they want to change "bad habits"  (e.g. loose weight, exercise more, etc. ). 

We also discussed our E. Maine meeting options and futures.  Including sharing responsibilities of leading meeting and Google hangout!  See next email to you all.  We have some decisions to make!