May 2014 Newsletter

Post date: May 03, 2015 1:56:36 PM

One Page News

Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Orange County Coin Club

Largest and Best Coin Club in Orange County

Member ANA, CSNA and NASC

President Jeff Stahl

Vice President Mike Ontko

Treasurer Dan Jimerson

Secretary Bill Pfeifer

Auctioneer Mark Baskin

Meeting Location: Costa Mesa Community Center (Costa Mesa Room)

1845 Park Ave.(south of 19th and west of Harbor) Costa MesaMeetings: Second Tuesday of Every Month @ 7:00 PM

Next Meeting: May 12, 2015@ 7:00 PM

Speaker: Sean Moffatt ” The Minting Process- The Good days and the Bad Days”,

Refreshments: Rockie Herrera and Jim Malone

Minutes of March 2015 Meeting

New members: Bruce Johnson

Membership: Membership fees for 2015 are now due. So far, we have

47 paid up members, including family.

Announcements: NASC gold coin drawing tickets are now on sale.

Anyone interested in being our new treasurer should contact Dan.

Old and New Business: Our existing meeting room will be available to us

through October 2015 since the city's planned remodeling has been


Donations: Thanks to the many members who continue to support our

club with their regular donations.

Meeting Program: Albertus Hoogeveen “ Going Dutch Part 2-The Provincial

Coinage of 1648-1797”

Prizes: Glen Franks won the drawing for the 1/10th oz. gold coin; Kerry

Johnson won the dos pesos.

Future Coin Shows: See our club website for a listing of all upcoming

Southern California coin shows: <> .

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Pfeifer, secretary
