February 2015 Newsletter
Post date: Feb 07, 2015 3:5:49 PM
One Page News
Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Orange County Coin Club
Largest and Best Coin Club in Orange County
Member ANA, CSNA and NASC
President Jeff Stahl Vice President Mike Ontko
Treasurer Dan Jimerson Secretary Bill Pfeifer Auctioneer Mark Baskin
Meeting Location: Costa Mesa Community Center (Costa Mesa Room)
1845 Park Ave.(south of 19th and west of Harbor) Costa Mesa
Meetings: Second Tuesday of Every Month @ 7:00 PM
Next Meeting: February 10, 2015@ 7:00 PM
Speaker: David Schwager "EBay for the Coin Collector". This discussion presents a balanced view of how collectors can use this important part of the numismatic market. Collectors can buy limited material with care and, if they are willing to put in the work, use eBay to sell their excess items.
Refreshments: David Pai and Dan Jimerson
Minutes of January 2015 Meeting
Guests: Bill Cregan
Membership: Membership fees for 2015 are now due. So far, we have 23 paid up members, including family.
Announcements: CSNA 47th Annual Southern California Educational Symposium, April 11 @ the Long Beach Airport Holiday Inn. CSNA speakers and additional details are available at our meeting. Note that the location has changed for the North County Monthly Coin Show now being held on Feb 8th at 11767 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove.
Old and New Business: Our club had a successful banquet on Jan. 25 with 18 members and guests attending. Good food and games were enjoyed by all.
Donations: Thanks to the many members who continue to support our club with their regular donations.
Meeting Program: Mike Ontko presented an excellent program on “Coins of the Papal States, Part II, 1740 to 1870.”
Prizes: Rex Gilmore was the winner of the Dos Pesos gold coin.
Future Coin Shows: See above announcements and our club website for a listing of all upcoming Southern California coin shows: <www.occoinclub.com> .
Respectfully submitted, Bill Pfeifer, secretary