January 2014 Newsletter

Post date: Jan 09, 2014 2:52:48 AM

Minutes of December 2013 Meeting

Membership and Guests

: Dues for CY 2014 are now due. Several dedicated members

have already paid . Thank you!

Auctioneer Mark Baskin

Meeting Location: Costa Mesa Community Center (Costa Mesa Room)

1845 Park Ave.(south of 19th and west of Harbor) Costa Mesa

Meetings: Second Tuesday of Every Month @ 7:00 PM

Next Meeting: January 14, 2014@ 7:00 PM

Speaker: Gordon Hjelmstrom “Coins of Iceland”

Refreshments:David Pai

Dan Jimerson Secretary Bill Pfeifer


Jeff Stahl Vice President Mike Ontko

One Page News

Monthly Newsletter of the Greater Orange County Coin Club

Largest and Best Coin Club in Orange County

Member ANA, CSNA and NASC


The pot luck was a huge success with good food and much

fun with the bingo games.


Our annual banquet will be held on January 19, 2014 at LaMen Restaurant 10488

Valley View Suite # 3, Buena Park, CA.90620. Dinner time is 6:30PM and David Pai will

dedicate the entire restaurant to our club. The banquet menu was sent out earlier . Free

passes to the Long Beach show on Jan 30-Feb 2 will be available to our membership.

Details on downloading the passes will be available at our meeting.

Old and New Business:

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Pfeifer, secretary

www.occoinclub.com> .



See our club website for a comprehensive listing of all California coin shows


Future Coin Shows

: no drawings in December.

Meeting Program: This is a good time to thank Mike Ontko for all of our speakers

for last year.


We thank all of our club members who donated items to our club last year.
