Day 10: Procedural Animation

Learning Goals

Students will be able to:

  1. MoGraph Animation

  2. Particle Animation

  3. Random Noise


Note: The exact timing and topics covered may shift.

Dailies: 9:10am-9:20am

  1. Homework Review: Lighting

  2. Q&A: Have any questions come up since last class?

What is Procedural Animation?: 9:20am-9:50am

  1. Watch: No Keyframes by Axisponsa

  2. Watch: Paul Clements' Ministry of Sound Headphones

  3. Watch: Paul Clements' Ministry of Sound Headphones Breakdown

Clones & Effectors: 9:50am-10:20am

  1. Theory: The Effector Model [File: Linear Clones]

  2. Technique: Animating Plain Effectors

  3. Exercise:

Animating with Noise, Time, & Sound Effectors: 10:20am-10:45am

  1. Watch: Greyscale Gorilla's Sound Effector Example

  2. Theory:

  3. Technique:

  4. Exercise:

    1. Download Funk City

Homework 10:45am-10:50am


  1. Project: Create a 10-30sec animation that makes use of procedural animation techniques. I'll be looking for:

    1. Variation in motion speed:

      1. Slow

      2. Medium

      3. Fast

    2. Variation in motion style:

      1. Smooth

      2. Percussive

      3. Linear

    3. Variation in motion scale:

      1. Large

      2. Fine

Due: By the start of our next class session on your Course Projects Blog.

Recommended Reading / Viewing

  • Title by Author