Day 06: In-Camera Editing & Rendering

Learning Goals

Students will be able to:

  1. Create smooth camera movements

  2. In-Camera Editing

  3. Depth of Field

  4. Rendering Animation


Note: The exact timing and topics covered may shift.

Dailies: 10:10am-10:20am

  1. Homework Review: Lighting

  2. Q&A: Have any questions come up since last class?

Animating Objects/Cameras Along Splines: 10:20am-10:50am

  1. Watch:

  2. Theory:

  3. Technique: How to Animate an Object Along a Path

    1. Align to Spline Tag: allows you to animate an object along the length of a preset path.

    2. Target Tag: to adjust the rotation of the camera so that it focuses on a subject.

    3. Target Null: a way of targeting something other than your object's axis.

    4. Vibrate Tag: to add randomness to the camera movement.

  4. Exercise:

In-Camera Editing: 10:50am-11:20am

  1. Watch: Clock by Phillip Bloom

  2. Theory:

  3. Technique: RetroSpace (Model, Textures, & Lighting by Anders Kjellberg |

  4. Exercise:

Depth of Field: 11:20am-11:50am

  1. Watch:

  2. Theory: Canon Explains Exposure

  3. Technique: Greyscale Gorilla Explains DOF in C4D

  4. Exercise:

Rendering Animation: 11:20am-11:50am

  1. Watch:

  2. Theory:

  3. Technique:

  4. Exercise:

Homework 11:55am-12:00pm


  1. Using Hardware (Open GL) Renderer, create a 30sec film showing a single subject.

    1. Render Settings Template File

    2. Examples

      1. Clock by Phillip Bloom

      2. The Car by Matt Stapleton

    3. Upload and post a video to the slides.

Due: By the start of our next class session on your Course Projects Blog.

Recommended Reading / Viewing