iPhone Texture Placement

Base Black Plastic

  1. Create a new material named "iBlack Plastic"
  2. Change the color to black.
  3. Change the Specular > Height to 90
  4. Change the Specular > Width to 30
  5. Drag the material from the material manager on the the iPhone cube/cage.

The Front

Create the Material

  1. Create a new material named "iFront"
  2. Turn off the color channel.
  3. Turn on the Luminance channel.
  4. Load the iPhone Front.jpg (might not be the exact name) texture into the texture field.

Apply the Material

  1. Drag the material from the material manager onto the iPhone cage.
  2. Select the texture tag in the object manger.
  3. Change the Projection to Flat.
  4. Select the texture tag.
  5. Object Manager > Tags > Fit To Object
  6. Select the Texture Axis tool and use the Move/Scale tools to resize it so that it fits neatly on the front.

Restrict the Material

  1. Choose Polygon mode.
  2. Select your Live Selection tool.
  3. Select the Cube object in the Objects Manager.
  4. Go into Polygon mode.
  5. Click and drag to select the polygons on the front of your iPhone. Shift+Drag = Add to your selection, Ctrl + Drag = Remove.
  6. Save your selection:
    1. Select > Set Selection
  7. Rename the selection tag in your attributes manager to "Back"
  8. Select the "iBack" texture tag on your object in the Objects Manager
  9. In the attributes manager, set Selection to "Back"

The Back


The Sides
