Day 07: Spline Modeling

Learning Goals

Students will be able to:

  1. Draw splines

  2. Extrude shapes

  3. Sweep Splines

  4. Lathe objects

  5. Identify which spline-modeling technique is most appropriate in a given context.

  6. Use photo reference in Cinema 4D


Note: The exact timing and topics covered may shift.

Dailies: 9:00am-9:20am

  1. Homework Review: 30-sec Object Film

  2. Q&A: Have any questions come up since last class?

Extruding Primitive Splines

  1. Background: What are splines?

  2. Theory: What are Extrusions?

Combining Primitive Splines

  1. Theory: Additive/Subtractive Modeling

Drawing Splines

  1. Technique: Drawing Bezier Splines

  2. Technique: Drawing Linear Splines with Snapping

  3. Making a Vase


  1. Theory:

  2. Technique: Crown Molding

  3. Exercise:

Homework 10:45am-10:50am


  1. Project: Finish Modeling the Ukulele OR Model a simple manufactured object using Extrude / Lathe / Loft / Sweep Objects

Due: By the start of our next class session on your Course Projects Blog.

Recommended Reading / Viewing