How to make an object point in the direction it's heading along a path

  1. Click on the Align to Spline tag on your Pyramid in the object manager.
  2. Turn on the “Tangential” option by clicking on the checkbox in the Attributes Manager.
  3. If your object is pointing in the wrong direction, adjust the "Axis" setting in the Attributes Manager.
  4. If you find that your object is flipping as it moves along the path, you need to add a Rail Spline.

To Create a Rail Spline

  • If your spline is 2D (i.e. it exists in only one plane)
    1. Ctrl-Drag a copy of your spline in the object manager.
    2. Rename the copy "Rail Spline"
    3. Move your Rail Spline beside your original spline object so that it looks like the rails of a roller coaster.
    4. Make the Rail Spline a child of the original spline object
  • If your spline is 3D (i.e. it isn't flat)
    1. Select the spline object.
    2. Go into Points mode
    3. Rt-Click and choose the "Create Outline" tool.
    4. In the attributes manager, turn on the "Create New Object" option
    5. In the viewport, click and drag left->right to create an outline of your spline
    6. Switch back to your move tool.
    7. Rename the new spline "Rail Spline"
    8. Make the Rail Spline a child of the original spline object

To Use a Rail Spline

  1. Select the "Align to Spline" tag on your object
  2. Ensure that you have a Spline in the Spline Path field and that Tangential is turned on.
  3. Click on the picker arrow next to "Rail Spline"
  4. Select the Rail Spline object that you just created.